Thursday, January 25, 2007

Brooklyn Pennant Ale '55

Brooklyn is still holding on to the memory of the Dodgers, and this beer is asalute to the Hometown pride that was felt when the Dodgers won the Pennant in 1955.. I'm not much of a baseball man myself, but I am a beer man. If this beer is any representation of how the city of Brooklyn loved there one-time champion baseball team, it's a pretty good representation.

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Appearance:Amber with a thick, carbonated head.

Smell: Of hops and complex fruit odors.

Taste: Kinda sweet,not as complex a taste as aroma,but still a good tasting beer.

Artwork:A handsome silver and blue pinstripes make up a large border for the almost-standard fare Brooklyn logo. Defference being the baseball in the center. Did you expect any less?

Overall:I would give it a homerun. Play Ball!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Corsendonk Abbey Brown Ale

Corsendonk. Sounds good, doesn't it. Even if the beer wasn't good, I would still give it 2 thumbs up based on the name. Say it with me. Corsendonk. I love funny words.

I picked this one up at the Williamsburg Thrifty near the BQE. They don't have a large selection, and the guy behind the counter looked at me like I was scum. Most likely because he thinks I'm some kinda hipster scumbag who is ruining his neighborhood. Well fuck him. He doesn't have to be nice to sell me good beer.

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Appearance: Brownish-red with a tan head the lasted for a very short period of time.

Smell: malt and mint (weird), with a hint of hops.

taste: Mild bitterness, and slight spice that left my tongue tingling. Sweet. later on I realized the taste reminded of a port.

Artwork:Jesus n' Mary Blah, Blah etch printed on the glass. looks like a traditional abbey seal. Whatever. Corsendonk! Hehehe...

Overall: This beer makes me realize I need to have a seperate fridge of some kind just for beer preservation. Considering I don't have a cellar. How else am i going to keep good beers like this at 45% all the time?

McNeill's Champ Ale

Straight from Brat, Vt comes the first of several McNeills beers I picked up over the holidays. McNeills is the hometown hero in this small, hippie town located in southern Vermont, and I only get to try it a couple of times a year. This ale is the Brewery's tribute to the American Loch Ness Monster, Champ. Who has been haunting the waters of lake Champlain since the coming of man into the area.

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Appearance: Light, reddish-amber with a quickly dissapating bubbly head.

Scent: I smell hops and maybe yeast, mostly hops. Bountiful amounts of hops are found in ALL McNeills products.

Taste: Bitter hops, but not overt. There is also some sweet stuff going on along with fruitiness. Hops is the most recognizable taste in this beer, which also makes it pretty citrusy.

Artwork: A lakemonster and a clown done in watercolor. I wonder if there is a story behind it. Simple, yet effective. The label would stick out in a cooler, but some might be thrown off by the Jr. High, fantasy-nerd level of painting. whatever, It's better than I could do on a canvas.

Bought: At the Sunoco gas station on Christmas Day. Which was the only place open on the trip home before we hit the highway.

Dogfish Head Chicory Stout

Yet another excellent product from the folks in Delaware. Nor as strong as the 90 Minute IPA, but good. I love stouts,oh yessiree, I do.

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Appearance: Blah,Blah Blah it's dark Blah. With a fairly typical brownish-red tint coming through the bottom. It started off with a fluffy ,tan head that was about 1- finger in width.

Scent: The scent hit me as soon as I opened the bottle. Mostly malt with some sweet complexity.

Taste: Tastes of coffee but without the good amount of bitterness I have come to expect from stouts.

Mouthfeel: As a stout, through and through.

Artwork:Typical simplistic DFH logo with a basic modern art pattern for the label. Nothing special.

Overall: I let this one get to room temp, and it was perfect for what it was. A good session drinking stout.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Allagash Tripel Reserve Belgian-Style Ale

One of the many beers I used to bring in the new year. This beer is a little ore special to me than the rest. First of, It was brewed in Portland, Me. Not just close to home but also one of the brew capitals of New England. Second, It was corked like wine. That's how i really knew I was getting into some classy shit. Third, you all know how much I love the Belgian-style. This one was a bit pricey for regular consumption, but it is a good one.

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Appearance: Foggy Gold with a thick, light head that doesn't last very long.

Smell: Sweet. Of fruit and Hops.

Taste: Bitter Bite accompanied by mild sweetness and the taste of spices. Overall, not very complex for a tripel. Sips are soon followed by a bitter aftertaste. Nice....

Art:Multicolored block print of a woodsy road during what appears to be autumn. I happen to love block prints,so it touches me in more special places. I also like the fact it isan't in-yer-face but still manages to catch the eye.

Overall: The abv kicked my ass!!!

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

I love imperial stouts. Especially ones that are inexpensive and are over 9% abv. I have hesitated with Victory Brewing Co. everytime I saw there beer up until now. The name and logo(a big V) remind me of 1984 and for some reason makes me feel like a mindless prole. I'm a prole regardless, and it wasn't and act of mindlessness that made me buy and enjoy this Victory product.

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Appearance: Dark with a capital"D",with a 2-fingered head that looked a bit like chocolate milk after it's been shakin' up.

Smell: Hops, citrusy hops.

Tastes: Fairly complex and slightly bitter, Although, less bitter than Old Rasputin. I wouldn't guess the abv was so high, due to the lack of a prominent alcohol taste,but look at Brooklyn's Stout. The warmer this beer gets, the tastier it gets to.

Art: Beware the Storm King,Oh Eagle-headed God wearing the Victory Crown. No need to look so pissed won!

Overall: I ain't scared of this Big Brother. In fact, I embrace him.

Lagunitas Cappucino Stout (Ale)

A "limited release" bomber from Petaluma,Ca-based Lagunitas BC. I don't know how limited the release is,but it's not limited enough to be expensive. The first quality I liked when I picked the beer up at a "Manhattan expensive" store in the East Village.

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Appearance: Dark with prominent blood red tones when held to the light. The head was thick with a light tan color, and good staying power.

Smells: Of malt and coffee. Considering coffee was used in the brewing process,this is to be expected.

Taste: Of coffee and malt with a hint of bitterness that goes far into the aftertaste. As the beer gets more time in open air, it gets smoother. All around a good tasting beer.

Art: Old-timey. I would expect this label to be on a root beer bottle from the 30's. Especially with the "Our Gang" dog centered on the label. Good thing I have a soft spot for both dogs and old timey.

Overall:Very good and a decent 7.99% abv. 7.99? Why couldn't they just make it 8%. I bet it had something to do with psychological marketing gimmicks. Now that I think about it. I didn't think I was as buzzed as I should be. Hmmmm......

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Rare Vos Belgian-style Ale

More from my much-loved Brewery Ommegang from Cooperstown,NY. Although this one didn't strike the same chord previous Ommegang products have. It was still a good beer though. More of a session beer than the others.

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Appearance: Reddish-amber and cloudy with a thin off-white head.

Smell:Spicy.... kinda smells like Christmas or Halloween. That is if you associate smells to certain holdays like I do. If you don't,sucks to be you.

Tastes: Bitter,with tones of sweetness. Not as flavorful as Ommegang or Hennepin,but good. The bitterness was maintained throughout the 25 minutes I took to drink it, and still good.

Artwork:not much can be said. Mostly words with a big "O" in an ochre-red,which I'm assuming stands for Ommegang. The colors are subtle, nothing really that catches the eye. Unless you know the company's other products,this isn't the first thing a typical person might pick. Makes me thinck its not intended for the piss-guzzling dweebs. Good for them in purposely keeping the audience small.

Overall: Good,not great,but good enough to buy a whole sixer and session it.

Doppel-Hirsch Doppel Bock

Nothing says german like a bottle with stags butting heads and a swing-style cap. I don't write about artwork enough in these reviews. I should considering art is appreciation is one of the most important things to me. So this review is going to be the first where I pull out my years of simpleton art knowledgeand shine.

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Appearance: Reddish-brown with a brown-tinted white head.

Smells: of roasted-malt and caramel.

Tastes: malty and quite sweet...kinda chocolaty....with a slightly bitter aftertaste that can only be caused by hops.

Sidenote: I love the aesthetic of the swing-style cap. Drinking out of the bottle makes me feel slightly like a working class european. Instead of sitting at the pub, I'm hanging out in front of my apartment building with the guys from work, bitching about my day...Okay back to reality.... It's unfortunate my options were limited before moving to grolsh, and I can't stand grolsh. At least now i can enjoy the european look of the swing cap and enjoy the beer too.

Art: two stags fighting as the sun goes down behind a mountain. Those crazy bavarians love horned mammals. Doppelbock beers are generally a spring-brewed beer from what I understand. And nothing says Spring like 2 male animals fighting for sex. Although I don't feel there is enough green in the label to make it scream "Spring!!". I'm thinking early autumn personally.

Overall: I haven't had a beer this malty that wasn't a stout. It was a nice surprise. I would recommend to anyone. Especially those friends of mine in germany and the midwest,where there is a large german-descended population.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Magic Hat Mother Lager

Some beers are really disappointing. I never would have thought I would find a one with the Magic Hat company. I love all things Vermont,except this. i especially love commie propaganda art, which this beer has. i would go as far as to say if your gonna have a beer "for the people" it should be fuckin' good, cause the people love good beer. Apparently they met " for the American majority" which means macro-style that sucks shit. I can't give the Magic Hat company the props they use to deserve after trying this one.

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I'm not even gonna bore you with the details of this beer. If you like Bud you will probably like this beer. apparently it's a european-style pilsner. Just because it's "european-style" doesn't mean it can't suck. Look at Becks and Heineken, or any of the other macro crap from Europe that has been imported here over longer than any of the "good" euro beers. I couldn'y even finish this one. Fuck a review,this beer just sucks.

Paulaner Hefe-Weizen

As you know,I'm still pretty new to the who wheat beer thing. In inexperience I still know a damn good beer when I taste it. I first had Paulaner a couple days ago at a bar called the East River. I fell in love instantly,enough to know that I would have to by more at the store for a proper review.

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Appearance: Super Cloudy,amber color. This beer is definetly unfiltered. Plus number one! The head was a fluffy,off-white that sota reminded me of swiss cheese.

Smells: of wheat,predominently....go figure.

Taste: Sweet. A wheat and fruit orgy in my mouth. Okay, that goes a bit too far. But this beer is so fuckin' good. Paulaner Hefe-weizen would make a great session beer for those hot,summer days. It makes me loathe the fact that winter just started. Oh well. As long as I have beers like this readily available, the winter should be easy.

Post Road Pumpkin Ale

The name might throw you off, but this is a product of Brooklyn Brewery. I do love the Pumpkin beers, and this one is no exception.

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Appearance:Amber-colored,with little murkiness and a non-existant head. Maybe I grabbed a bad beer. I don't know. It tasted good.

Smells; heavily of pumpkin and whatever spices are used to make pumpkin-involved baked goods. Both beer and bread are relatively similar.

Tastes: Slightly bitter,but it goes down easily. The tastes of pumpkin and spices make this something of a dessert beer and the 5% abv make it a pretty good session beer. Granted,you might have a problem drinking it too fast because the taste is that good.

Overall: Yet another BB product that makes me happy. Hard to go wrong with the local boys.