Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Post Road Pumpkin Ale

The name might throw you off, but this is a product of Brooklyn Brewery. I do love the Pumpkin beers, and this one is no exception.

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Appearance:Amber-colored,with little murkiness and a non-existant head. Maybe I grabbed a bad beer. I don't know. It tasted good.

Smells; heavily of pumpkin and whatever spices are used to make pumpkin-involved baked goods. Both beer and bread are relatively similar.

Tastes: Slightly bitter,but it goes down easily. The tastes of pumpkin and spices make this something of a dessert beer and the 5% abv make it a pretty good session beer. Granted,you might have a problem drinking it too fast because the taste is that good.

Overall: Yet another BB product that makes me happy. Hard to go wrong with the local boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can I get some of this?