Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dragon Stout

I've come to the conclusion that stouts from the Caribbean are brewed for more for the liquid desert quality than stouts produced in other regions of the world. Dragon Stout supports this conclusion. Straight from Jamaica, I bring you 7.5 % of alcoholic goodness....

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Appearance: Dark with blood red tones shining through when placed in front of a ceiling light. Tan head that quickly dissapated faster than Kid Flash with a case of diarrhea.

Smells: Extremely malty with hints of chocolate and coffee.

Taste: Is sweet to start with a slightly bitter aftertaste that reminds of semisweet cooking chocolate. This tropical stout is definetly a dessert beer.

Body: pretty light in all actuality. If I were to judge it on body alone I would say it were less of a stout and more of a schwartzbier.

Drinkability: I could session this,the 7.5 % abv would probably knock me on my ass after 3 or 4 though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a lightweight. I drank 10 bottles of dragon stout one evening. I was fairly drunk, but I think I could have consumed a few more before falling asleep. I didn't even have a hangover the next morning!