Lo and Behold!!!! I'm finally going to review a couple from my most local of Breweries. Brooklyn Brewery is actually located about 25 minutes walking distance from my place,15 minutes if i walked to the subway and took the train. I'm suprised I haven't yet took a tour. I have loved BB since I first visited NYC over 4 years ago,and now I am blessed with livng in the same area as one of the most renowned micro-breweries in America. Today I'm going to be giving you the scoop on the Brown Ale and 2006 Winter. Both great and both available almost everywhere in the city.
The Brown Ale poured a nice reddish-brown with a fairly good head. I noticed right of the bat that it smelled like grass. Not pot, real grass. From what I understand this was the hops. It wasn't very bitter,in fact it tasted quite nice. Fairly sweet and it went down really easy. A little too easy.
The Winter Ale was what started my adventure called Wednesday Night. A lighter color than the brown (obviously) and the head was about 2 fingers thick. The beer was pretty thick itself with quite a bit of flavor. Spicy even. Definetly something to sit by the fire and drink. Since I started drinking it as soon as I left the store, I didn't really start noticing the best parts until it warmed up for about 20 minutes. A mistake I've made less and less as I learn about beer. Overall, a great winter ale. I'll probably bring some up to VT for my in-laws to try.
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