Friday, December 22, 2006

Nate's Harvest Pumpkin Ale

For Christmas, I got quite the selection of homebrews from Ingrid that her good friend Nate made. Out of the 6 that I was gifted with,this is the first review. The Harvest Pumkin Ale.

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I'm a fan of Pumkin Ales. I think out of the several that I've tried, this one rates pretty close to the Pumkinhead,which is my favorite. It poured a dark amber and the head had a very good staying power, it had travelled roughly, but I opened it days after. The smell is of pumkin and alcohol. Not a "whiskey" smell,but you can definelty tell it has a fairly good abv %. The taste of pumkin is mild,unlike the Pumkinhead. Something that I sometimes consider a negative due to the fact I drink it too quickly. This was not the case with the Harvest Pumpkin. I was able to sit back and nurse it for quite a while. Thankfully I have one more left,it will probably make a great Christmas day present to myself after the McNeil's.

Thanks Nate for knowing what the hell your doing in producing a damn good beer.


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you enjoyed them. this is one of my favorites. i've never had any other pumpkin ale, so you'll have to let me know who makes the Pumpkinhead so i can try it. thanks for the review!!

braankraayon said...

Shipyard outta Portland, Maine.