Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA

I don't typically pay attention to too many IPA's. If I had a choice between an IPA and a stout, I would take the stout on any day of the week, or so I thought. The 90 Minute is not your standard India Pale Ale. It's 9 % abv to start, and doesn't taste anything like the many of the brit beers in which style it emulates. I love this beer and so does many of the people I know who have tried it.

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When poured into one of my several pint glasses, it's appearance was amber with a thick cloudy head, and smelled of hops from a foot away. This is definetly and IPA! The initial taste is bitter,which is to be expected. The kicker is the tastiness. Complex flavor and sweetness make this product a step above the other IPA's in the world. As it warms, it's still has bitter undertones, but those are easily forgiven due to the tastiness and the alcohol content. I love this beer, and can see my self having a beautiful future with the Dogfish Head company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in agreement with you on this particular Double IPA. I just finished up my own review of Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA. This really is a phenomenal craft beer from a great brewery that I'll be certain to pay more and more attention to. Very nice blog by the way. I'll be checking it out again sometime. Cheers!