Thursday, December 14, 2006

Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout

Sometimes you find a beer that makes you never wanna drink a different kind of beer again. Sometimes you don't have to go very far to find one of the best beers ever made. Sometimes......Oh I'll just shut up. I tried Brooklyn Brewery's crowning acheivement the other day, and I must say it made the Old Rasputin taste like cow piss. If this is what Russian Imperial Stouts are supposed to taste like,bring them all on.

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Black Chocolate poured blacker than a trillion midnights. No light was getting through when I held it up to a bulb. Probably the darkest beer I have ever seen. The head was brown and creamy and there was an evident chocolate scent. It tastes sweet, but not sickly sweet, with a faint hops undertone. At 10.6% , I had a great mini-buzz after just one. This is the kind of beer you bestow upon people as a gift,which I'm probably going to do.

If you haven't tried Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout,your losing a very important life experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, now I have to have one. If my liver fails I'm haunting your house.