Sometimes you find a beer that makes you never wanna drink a different kind of beer again. Sometimes you don't have to go very far to find one of the best beers ever made. Sometimes......Oh I'll just shut up. I tried Brooklyn Brewery's crowning acheivement the other day, and I must say it made the Old Rasputin taste like cow piss. If this is what Russian Imperial Stouts are supposed to taste like,bring them all on.
Black Chocolate poured blacker than a trillion midnights. No light was getting through when I held it up to a bulb. Probably the darkest beer I have ever seen. The head was brown and creamy and there was an evident chocolate scent. It tastes sweet, but not sickly sweet, with a faint hops undertone. At 10.6% , I had a great mini-buzz after just one. This is the kind of beer you bestow upon people as a gift,which I'm probably going to do.
If you haven't tried Brooklyn's Black Chocolate Stout,your losing a very important life experience.
1 comment:
Yep, now I have to have one. If my liver fails I'm haunting your house.
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