Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tennants of Scotland

I read a great deal of talk in the beer community about the state of beer from Britain. Most of it is negative. I'm sure they, like me, started on the craft path through such UK favorites like Guinness and Bass. Two beers I used to love at one point but don't really care for nowadays. The same could be said for Tennants. If I were ten years younger, I would love it. Today..not so much.

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The color was golden yellow with a small head whiter than I've seen in a beer. The smell was slightly hoppy,like the taste with something fruity about it. It went down pretty quickly with no real affect,considering the abv was less than 5%. I would drink Tennants if it were still available at the Coat of Arms in Portsmouth,NH, but I don't think it has been for a while. It was still better than 95% of American macros, which is still nothing to write home about but I had to give it something.

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