Monday, December 18, 2006

Brooklyn Monster 2006

This year's Barleywine,everyone. I haven't yet reviewed a Barleywine,so this is a first. This blog is alot of firsts.The only other Barleywine I've tried is Smuttynose,and I loved that one. But that was NH and this is Brooklyn. Good thing my second Barleywine was brewed here in my new home.

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Once poured into an imperial pint glass, the color was a dark amber with athick head. The head actually lasted awhile and ended with a nice foam for the remainder of the drink. The smell, like you would expect a barleywine to have, is sweet. Not sickly sweet. But a nice happy beer sweet. It wasn't too sweet for my tastebuds either,in facte the it had a mildly bitter aftertaste. Despite the ,color,this was one of the thicker beers I've had in the last couple of days. It feeled like a stout,but I could see through the glass. Overall, a great experience. I don't really think it's work 12 bnucks for a sixer,though. Maybe 8 or 9.

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