Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Lucifer Belgian Golden Ale

I've noticed religious imagery is a fairly common element in a great deal of belgian/belgian-style beers. Whether it be the trappist monks who brew or the demonic images on a bottle of Maudite,christianity is a fairly strong theme. Lucifer is obviously no exception. It was indeed the theme that caught my attention, and it's the taste that will make me keep on sinning.

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This cloudy,golden ale has a thick white head that kept for a pretty mid-range period of time. The word "fruity" was the first one that popped in my head upon inhalation. That same word was also prevalent in the complex sweet taste I have found in quite a few belgians. When I say sweet, I mean that with a "very" in front. Very with a capital V. It had a whiskey-like quality to it,especially in the aftertaste,which lingers on long after the beer is finished.

If Lucifer is indeed evil, I don't ever wanna be good.

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