Sunday, January 7, 2007

Rare Vos Belgian-style Ale

More from my much-loved Brewery Ommegang from Cooperstown,NY. Although this one didn't strike the same chord previous Ommegang products have. It was still a good beer though. More of a session beer than the others.

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Appearance: Reddish-amber and cloudy with a thin off-white head.

Smell:Spicy.... kinda smells like Christmas or Halloween. That is if you associate smells to certain holdays like I do. If you don't,sucks to be you.

Tastes: Bitter,with tones of sweetness. Not as flavorful as Ommegang or Hennepin,but good. The bitterness was maintained throughout the 25 minutes I took to drink it, and still good.

Artwork:not much can be said. Mostly words with a big "O" in an ochre-red,which I'm assuming stands for Ommegang. The colors are subtle, nothing really that catches the eye. Unless you know the company's other products,this isn't the first thing a typical person might pick. Makes me thinck its not intended for the piss-guzzling dweebs. Good for them in purposely keeping the audience small.

Overall: Good,not great,but good enough to buy a whole sixer and session it.

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