Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Paulaner Hefe-Weizen

As you know,I'm still pretty new to the who wheat beer thing. In inexperience I still know a damn good beer when I taste it. I first had Paulaner a couple days ago at a bar called the East River. I fell in love instantly,enough to know that I would have to by more at the store for a proper review.

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Appearance: Super Cloudy,amber color. This beer is definetly unfiltered. Plus number one! The head was a fluffy,off-white that sota reminded me of swiss cheese.

Smells: of wheat,predominently....go figure.

Taste: Sweet. A wheat and fruit orgy in my mouth. Okay, that goes a bit too far. But this beer is so fuckin' good. Paulaner Hefe-weizen would make a great session beer for those hot,summer days. It makes me loathe the fact that winter just started. Oh well. As long as I have beers like this readily available, the winter should be easy.

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