Monday, January 8, 2007

Allagash Tripel Reserve Belgian-Style Ale

One of the many beers I used to bring in the new year. This beer is a little ore special to me than the rest. First of, It was brewed in Portland, Me. Not just close to home but also one of the brew capitals of New England. Second, It was corked like wine. That's how i really knew I was getting into some classy shit. Third, you all know how much I love the Belgian-style. This one was a bit pricey for regular consumption, but it is a good one.

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Appearance: Foggy Gold with a thick, light head that doesn't last very long.

Smell: Sweet. Of fruit and Hops.

Taste: Bitter Bite accompanied by mild sweetness and the taste of spices. Overall, not very complex for a tripel. Sips are soon followed by a bitter aftertaste. Nice....

Art:Multicolored block print of a woodsy road during what appears to be autumn. I happen to love block prints,so it touches me in more special places. I also like the fact it isan't in-yer-face but still manages to catch the eye.

Overall: The abv kicked my ass!!!

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