Monday, November 13, 2006

Delirium tremens an pink elephants...

Today after worked I marched right down to a grocer,with an amazing beer selection, on Curry Lane. My target was a Belgian I have had on my mind since my first trip to the Bushwick Country Club. Hell,they like it so much,they advertise in on the overhang in the front of the bar.

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Don't be thrown off by the pink elephants,alligators dancing,and overall foppishness of the label. This beer is pretty serious. I'm not one of those assholes that critique beer like they were a wine-snob,but I can tell you this beer is tasty as well as packing a punch. An 8.5% punch that is. I was feeling quite light-headed after I finished off 11.2 oz bottle. It takes atleast half a six-pack of PBR to get that kinda reaction outta me. Although the flavor was complex like alot of belgians, it started of kind of bitter. Eventually the bitterness went away after about 1 half hour of air exposure. Too bad I've been spoiled by La Fin Du Monde,or I probably would have added this to my tastiest beers top 5. It was still damn good. Besides,everybody likes a circus.

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