Thursday, November 16, 2006


During my walk from the WRONG train stop after work(complications with the L train),my angry and defeated ass picked this one up at a bodega on Grand St.
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Ommegang. It has what appears to be a Belgian name. Belgian-style label. Even taste like a Belgian. But just because it walks like a duck doesn't necessarily make it a duck. This eurotrash wannabe was brewed right here in New York State. Cooperstown to be exact. This is just what I needed to end a painful trip from work to home. Apparently it is a belgian-style "abbey" ale. I'm not quite sure what that means, but if all "abbey" ales are like this it must mean fuckin' awesome. It has a great taste and characterisitics I've only found in some expensive dark beers. This is the best beer I've had this week. Probably in several weeks. This is definetely the beer I'm bringing back to NH by the case when I visit.

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