Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Skullsplitter Orkney Ale

This Scottish ale has the best name ever. Named after Thorfinn Hausakluif(skullsplitter),who was the seventh Viking Earl of Orkney around 950 AD. Just a tidbit of history that can gleaned from any bottle of this high-alcohol(8.5%) robust ale.

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Any man would snatch up this beer in a second based on the label. It reminds me a bit of McEwans Scottish Ale,the only other Scottish ale I've had. Sweet and smooth,both in taste and smell. It reminds me of whiskey or scotch in beer form,but not nearly as overpowering. I love the buzzy feeling after only 11.2 fluid ounces consumed over a 45 minute period. Pretty fuckin' sweet.

I need to come up with some kind of a ratings system.

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