Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Stuffed Zuchini....

A couple of Sundays ago, I made a special trip the a section of Atlantic Avenue known for its high concentration of muslim and middle-eastern restaurants,retailers, and mideast goods. I wanted to check out a middle-eastern grocery (and eat falafel,which could have been the real reason for going). The store I had hoped to visit, Samedi's, was closed. This angered me abit unitl I found a smaller grocery/deli. A half hour and 18 dollars later,I had several cans of food from places like Turkey and Lebanon. One of the cans I happened to pick up was my dinner for this evening.

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I didn't want to microwave the stuffed zuchini. I feel the older I get the less I like the taste of things that come out of the microwave. Anybody with me. So I set the oven to bake and heated the goods up for about 10 minutes. The outcome......

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The zuchini is stuffed with rice and tomato sauce,with some common meditteranean spices thrown in. The stuffing kinda reminds me of spanish rice, withy less zing. I love spanish rice,so this factor sold me on the product. It's nice to pay 2 dollars for a meal in a can,especially one suitable for vegetarians. But this is what I'm all about. Thrifty foods from the 4 corners of the world. I should probably entertain the idea of making this from scratch. It shouldn't be too hard.

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