Monday, November 13, 2006

Thums Up....A Coke Product from India....

While I was browsing,in awe,the Indian supermarket "Patel Brothers" yesterday,I happened upon this Coke product from half-a-world away. Some of you might know me to be something of a soda addict,at the very least a conniseur(in my own words of course). So it's not very surprising I had to try it.
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The first thing you might notice is the bastardized english for a name. Granted,I don't speak hindi so I might be missing out on something important. I plead ignorance. What I do know is a good soda. Coca-Cola has been known to put out a great deal of bad products(remember NEW COKE),but this isn't one of them. It tastes a great deal like RC Cola,but spicier. What else would you expect from the indian version of America's most popular soft drink.

I give it 2 "thums up"(HaHaHa!!!!! Wicked funny,guy!!!) I will be buying this product again the next time I visit Jackson Heights. I might even buy a six pack,I'm that crazy!!!

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