Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Magic Hat Mother Lager

Some beers are really disappointing. I never would have thought I would find a one with the Magic Hat company. I love all things Vermont,except this. i especially love commie propaganda art, which this beer has. i would go as far as to say if your gonna have a beer "for the people" it should be fuckin' good, cause the people love good beer. Apparently they met " for the American majority" which means macro-style that sucks shit. I can't give the Magic Hat company the props they use to deserve after trying this one.

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I'm not even gonna bore you with the details of this beer. If you like Bud you will probably like this beer. apparently it's a european-style pilsner. Just because it's "european-style" doesn't mean it can't suck. Look at Becks and Heineken, or any of the other macro crap from Europe that has been imported here over longer than any of the "good" euro beers. I couldn'y even finish this one. Fuck a review,this beer just sucks.


Anonymous said...

hey, thanks fer the info...you just saved me from wasting my money on another shit beer.

braankraayon said...

Yer welcome.

Anonymous said...

All the beers suck at magic hat. I think everything about magic hat sucks try why to hard to get people to buy there beers