Monday, January 8, 2007

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

I love imperial stouts. Especially ones that are inexpensive and are over 9% abv. I have hesitated with Victory Brewing Co. everytime I saw there beer up until now. The name and logo(a big V) remind me of 1984 and for some reason makes me feel like a mindless prole. I'm a prole regardless, and it wasn't and act of mindlessness that made me buy and enjoy this Victory product.

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Appearance: Dark with a capital"D",with a 2-fingered head that looked a bit like chocolate milk after it's been shakin' up.

Smell: Hops, citrusy hops.

Tastes: Fairly complex and slightly bitter, Although, less bitter than Old Rasputin. I wouldn't guess the abv was so high, due to the lack of a prominent alcohol taste,but look at Brooklyn's Stout. The warmer this beer gets, the tastier it gets to.

Art: Beware the Storm King,Oh Eagle-headed God wearing the Victory Crown. No need to look so pissed won!

Overall: I ain't scared of this Big Brother. In fact, I embrace him.


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